Old Church Slavonic Numerals’ Converter
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Informations & Help
The application was created as a tool for the quick conversion of Cyrillic and Glagolitic numerals that occur in Old Church Slavonic (OCS) as well as younger Church Slavonic manuscripts.

You can convert:
  • OCS Cyrillic numerals into Arabic numerals,
  • OCS Glagolitic numerals into Arabic numerals,
  • Arabic numerals into OCS numerals, expressed both in Cyrillic and Glagolitic script.
It is possible to use a virtual keyboard to enter Cyrillic and glagolitic characters. The keyboard’s first row contains all common Cyrillic characters with numerical values. In the second row, there are their Glagolitic equivalents. The third row shows graphic characters representing higher numerical orders (starting with units of thousands up to billions).

The character for units of thousands should be inserted before the letter, whose numerical value is multiplied by thousand. Further characters for higher numerical orders (ranging from tens of thousands to billions) should be always inserted after a letter whose value is multiplied.

The values of all characters on the virtual keyboard are displayable by short holding of the mouse cursor over the button.

In the OCS manuscripts, the numerical values of Glagolitic characters are reliably documented until the value of 300. Besides that, also the value of 600 is preserved. The values of 700 and 1000 are documented indirectly in the younger copies by using a Cyrillic character with a Glagolitic numerical value. The values of 400, 500, 800, 900, 2000, 3000 and 5000 are preserved just in younger Croatian Glagolitic texts. As it cannot be decided, if the value of 3000 was originally represented by hard or soft jer, both options can be inserted. The addition of the character was motivated by the alphabetical sequence. The values over 5000 are neither documented in Glagolitic, nor they can be reliably reconstructed.

The numerical values of Cyrillic characters are reliably documented in the OCS manuscripts up to the higher orders of thousands. The value of 6 can be represented by the characters ѕ, ꙅ, ꙃ, the value of 10 has variants і, ꙇ, ї. 90 may be written both with a older character ҁ as well as with the younger ч, 400 has variants оу, у, ѵ, 800 is represented by ѡ, ѿ. 900 is written with the character ц in OCS manuscripts or with ѧ in Old Russian texts.

The numeral тьма with the value of 10 000 is well preserved in the OCS manuscripts, but the numeric character is missing. The existence of characters with higher numerical values cannot be assumed in the classical OCS. The numerals and characters in the shape of circle expressing 10 000 and 100 000 are preserved in the Old Russian manuscripts of the 11th – 12th centuries. The numerals representing one to ten millions do not appear until the 16th century (and just in Old Russian texts), the numerals describing hundreds of millions to one billion are documented even a century later. The numeral воронъ or вранъ with the value of 10 000 000 can be written using a corresponding circle or the abbreviations ка҃к, кв҃к, etc.

The application was produced as an outcome of the project GORAZD: The Old Church Slavonic Digital Hub
within the programme NAKI II of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (DG16P02H024).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0

The source code is available for non-commercial use upon request via e-mail info(AT)gorazd.org

Authors: Institute for Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Used font: BukyVede (© Sebastian Kempgen 2013-2015)

Version: 1.41 2017-10-25

GORAZD: Digitální portál staroslověnštiny    Slovanský ústav Akademie věd ČR    Ministerstvo kultury ČR

Slavonic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Created by Martin Rybenský and PhDr. Štefan Pilát, Ph.D. © 2017
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